Wir haben Joaquim Leite interviewt, einen talentierten Fotografen aus Miltenberg, der sich erst vor kurzem hier in der Region niedergelassen hat. Seine Aufnahmen kannst du hier, hier, and hier auf Miltenberg.org sehen. Auf Joaquim’s Webseite siehst du mehr von seinen Bildern.
[EN] Today, we’re interviewing Joaquim Leite. His candid pictures have been featured on Miltenberg.org over the last couple of days. Check them out here, here, and here. Have a look at Joaquim’s website for more pictures.
1. What brings you to Miltenberg or the region?
I came to work here.
2. How did you become a photographer?
I never imagined that this hobby would turn into something so special. Always we strive to find beauty where there is none. For me, photography is more than just taking pictures. They are able to capture a life story as it happens right before your eyes. I’ve learned mainly from my mistakes, not in any structured course. While this might not be the best or the fastest way, it surely has been a rewarding journey.
3. In your profession, what inspires you? And what gives you most joy?
Shooting without doubt. Observe what surrounds me. Then things flow naturally.
4. Could you describe an experience or impression when you first arrived here?
Well, actually I’m in Miltenberg since two months now. Its architecture sparked my watchful eye.
Quiet and cozy, I’ve been very well received …. I feel that I’ve already adapted very well to my new home!
5. What are your three favourite places in Miltenberg and its surroundings? Which ones resonated with you most strongly?
I have a special fascination for the sea. As I can not live on the edge sea right now, I will enjoy being on the edge of a river and the beautiful landscape that provides Miltenberg!
6. What could Miltenberg do to attract more creative minds like you?
It would be premature of me to talk about it, as I pointed out already am in Miltenberg will little more than two months.
Thank you for this interview, Joaquim!
Good luck with your continued arrival here in Miltenberg. May it be a warm and welcoming home for you. Thank you for all that you are contributing through your photography!
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